What is Acupuncture?:

In Chinese medicine pain and other inconvenient symptoms are a sign of imbalance. This imbalance in the body’s system is typically treat with pharmaceuticals. The issue with pharmaceutical treatments is the side effects. Acupuncture uses the body to help harmonize the imbalance, and therefore the symptoms. This approach allows the body to correct itself at it’s own pace. Just like our fingerprints, each of us are unique in how we respond to medication or to stimulus ( stress, tension , environment ). Acupuncture uses your own body to correct the issue.


As the name implies Acupuncture is the accurate ( precise ) puncturing of point on the body to correct an imbalance. We can use needles, or even pressure to resolve the imbalance. These points have been documented, evaluated, and re-evaluated by scholars for thousands of years to prove the efficacy of the points to pathology. The points are the body’s natural way of correcting an imbalance. Sometimes we just need to remind the body how to address an issue. In traditional acupuncture there are over 360 bodypoints that help address an issue. Additionally, we can use the ear to treat the whole body and also use the a hand as well. Asim has spent many years under specific teachers to khome skills in these systems.


Cupping therapy is a modality within Chinese medicine that is used to help bring blood to an area. Blood has white blood cells that can be used to clear away blockages and pathogens. These blockages and pathogens cause pain, and with blood redirected with cupping the body remembers how to address the pain.

You may have seen USA olympic swimmers with deep discolored circles on their bodies, these are cupping marks. Cupping does not always have to involve bleeding, there are time where “dry” cupping is just as effective.


Moxabustion is similar to heat therapy. Chinese used to use mugwort to generate targeted heat to a specific points that would help improve circulation and bring balance to the body. This technique is not available in all locations.


This is superficially acupuncture of the ear. In Chinese medicine the ear is a Microsystems that represents the whole body. In some cases using this method is much more powerful than using local body points. Auricular therapy has been used for severe issues like PTSD, addictions , and mental imbalance.

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is a scraping technique used to release muscles and release stagnant bood that may be causing pain. This involves using an implement to scrape over an area and usually leaves the area red and discolored. As the discoloration goes away the pain in the area usually dissipates.


Precision Point Acupuncture is proud to bring it services to medical clinics throughout the midwest, and carefully selects it partners and people within each facility. We meet with the physicians and ensure that their objectives align with ours. We understand that modalities like acupuncture are not the only solution to restore well being in our patients and that the physicians and staff of each location are available to support our patients, just as we are available to help their patients.

We have partnered with teams who want to give their patients access to a well rounded set of options when considering a treatment or when dealing with side effects of treatment.

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