About Precision Point Acupuncture

Precision Point Acupuncture applies Traditional Chinese medicine and its supporting modalities to support patient health and well being. The mission of Precision Point Acupuncture is to provide Precise, acupuncture relief for patients from a holistic sense and to augment conventional treatments. Acupuncture in conjunction with conventional medicine has proven to be a solid combination in alleviating side effects, supporting treatments and overall recovery.

China is known for many things; among these is the infamous silk trade route where silks and spices would reach the European world through trade and barter. This historic commerce not only allowed for the exchange of goods it provided avenues for interactions and communication between cultures and people. Precision Point Acupuncture intends to carry this tradition to allow for an interchange of treatment modalities to benefit the population and aide them in their needs, small, big, serious and not so serious.

About Me

Asim Kamal completed his undergraduate degree in Business administration while working full time as a computer programmer. After completing his Masters in Information Systems from DePaul University in 2004, Asim applied his technology skills to augment user experiences and improve systems for the betterment of those around him. Engineers like to solve problems and work on complex issues. The human body represents the most complex system on earth and although it is part of us, it is highly neglected. To better understand this system Asim evaluated many health options to augment the human system, and found acupuncture and its supporting modalities to support patient well being. The program at National University of Health Sciences integrates Traditional Chinese medicine with conventional therapies. This is evident in hospital based acupuncture where select interns worked with pain patients in major local hospitals to treat their pain symptoms, and provide balance.

Asim has studied 4 years to complete his Masters in Acupuncture and become a licensed acupuncturist (LAC), and is proud to serve throughout the Midwest with his offerings.

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